Tank Stars Wiki

The Artillery Support is a Long-range weapon used by Coalition.


The Artillery Support uses 3 rockets per wave/swarm. The number of waves increases as you upgrade the weapon. When shot, a glowing purple indicator that designates where the swarm of rockets is going to land. After that, an unclear voice from (probably) a radio says, "DEATH FROM ABOVE", after that, the rockets fall ultimately from the sky.

Weapons that use an indicator all have a flaw. When aiming towards the enemy, there is a chance after the indicator the hits the ground, it can bounce back. Therefore, the chances of a "Perfect shot" will be less likely.


The Artillery Support is a very ordinary explosive weapon. This means that there aren't many strategies for this weapon, except just to shoot as accurate as possible.


1 Star: 1 or 2 Waves containing 3 rockets

2 Stars: 2 or 3 waves containing 3 rockets, increased damage

3 Stars: 3 waves containing 3 rockets each, increased damage

4 Stars: 3 waves containing 3 rockets each, increased damage

5 Stars: 3 waves containing 3 rockets each, increased damage


If the indicator did not directly hit the enemy tank, it will bounce at least 3 times before the rockets get sent.
