Tank Stars Wiki


Dubstep is a tank that is music-themed. It plays techno music when you're viewing it. When you tap it, it shoots a soundwave.

This tank can be unlocked for $1.99



  • 850 HP when unlocked.
  • 1,000 HP when leveled up to level 2.
  • 1,150 HP when leveled up to level 3.
  • 1,300 HP when leveled up to level 4.
  • 1,400 HP when leveled up to level 5.
  • 1,500 HP when leveled up to level 6.
  • 1,600 HP when leveled up to level 7.


round of moving lasers. As it levels up, it does more rounds.
  • Dubstep Grenade: Dubstep Grenade is a long-ranged weapon. As it levels up, it does more damage and explodes more times.
  • Sound Wave: Sound Wave Is a weapon that goes through walls just like Railgun. It doesn't change its direction, it's going straight so aim it carefully. Easier to aim compared to Railgun.
  • Equalizer: Equalizer Is a high-tech weapon that sounds like a microphone. It places 6 bars underneath the opponent damaging them a random amount, but more on more precise hits. Sometimes it can instant kill tanks up to gold. (As of a recent buggy update, it will always instakill if the hit directly lands)
  • Portal: Portal is a short-ranged weapon that makes portals when hitting a tank, a portal from the ground and one in the air will appear, making the tank go through it it several times, then disappearing.
  • Subwoofer:It is a short range weapon. Its way of attacking is by releasing a flare. Afterwards, two subwoofers fall and play low frequencies, generating sound waves, then it will self-destruct, thus generating more damage.


Tanks AbramsFrostBuratinoCoalitionHeliosBlazerSpectreMark 1T-34TigerAtomicToxicDubstepMountainPinkyPumkin